Thursday, December 04, 2014

Jesus Christ is Above One World Religion and One World Government.

Jesus is not wrapped up in religion. He is not confined or limited to man's perspective of who they think he is, but man limits himself by not accepting the truth of who he is.  Jesus is the very one who is holding everything together. Through him the universe, the earth, everything was created. The world's understanding of Christianity is desperately confused because this reality about Jesus is not accepted or realized personally. Jesus is God in a human body, and he died, was buried and came back to life for people.  All the religions of the world are attempting to unite. Why and under what spirit? There is an anti-Christ spirit and a Holy Spirit.  I am praying that people will know and experience unity in the Holy Spirit who points to Jesus as the Way the Truth and the Life, as God incarnate, as the Savior of the world, as the Jewish Messiah, as the Redeemer and Mediator between God the Father and man, as the Servant of all, the Light of this world. Jesus is not bound or defined by a religion. He is Eternal Life itself. 

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