Saturday, September 03, 2005

Without Truth the most valuable thing to us is our own self-righteousness. It is possible to spend a whole lifetime without knowing what is True and in this condition we naturally choose an independant approach to meet needs that we ultimately cannot meet for ourselves. If we think about it a natural consequence to this is that we spend our whole lives forming a good opinion about ourselves that is built and relys solely upon self-praise and self-justification of our actions and motives. We build a monument to our own goodness as defined by our own reason and call it "truth." We deceive ourselves and make Truth relative when it is really absolute. This is our natural tendancy and it is dangerous because it divides us. If we don't consciously recognize it and surrender to the Absolute Truth we will end up putting ourselves above the only power that can unite what is divided in us. Absolute Truth is the only thing that can conquer the eternal death in our souls and spirits, our fears, our guilt, our shame, our insecurity, our apathy, our self-hatred and our self-worship.

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