Friday, August 21, 2020


What was David’s first encounter of faith with God that built his faith to be unshakable?

Where does his confidence come from that allows him to face his enemies and defeat them and rely on God to defeat them for him, and never take the credit?

God is David’s Rock, Fortress, Deliverer, God, Shelter, Shield, Power, Stronghold. 

David calls on God and He saves him! 

David was terrified, distressed and he cried out because his enemies were too strong for him, and God heard him from His Temple

God moved in the cloak of thick darkness under his feet. His hiding place... thick clouds dark with water. 

Gods voice is equated to thunder, hailstones and fiery coals breaking through the dark clouds. 

God took pleasure in David because he did not leave and distance himself from his God which is described as evil. 

How often do I leave and distance myself from the Lord... My God? 

David expresses his devotion to God: vs 21-23“For I have kept the ways of Adonai, I have not done evil by leaving my God; for all his ruling were before me, I did not distance his regulations from me. I was pure hearted with him and kept myself from sin.”

And God responded to this devotion by repaying David for his uprightness, according to the purity of David’s hands in God’s view. 

We learn that God shows himself merciful to those who are merciful. He shows himself sincere to the person who is sincere; pure to those who are pure; and to those who are crooked God shows himself cunning. God saves those who are afflicted; and to those who are haughty God will humble. 

When we respond to Jesus as Lord of Lords and All in All He fulfills us and completes us. His righteousness and purity and devotion and mercy and goodness becomes ours. We all know that in and of ourselves we are none of those things. When we trust in Jesus this same God who David looks to and trusts in for safety refuge salvation etc., responds to us and protects and provides and shelters us. He saves us from the snare of death because of sin. 

Whatever sin is in your life today turn from it and stop it because you love Jesus. That’s the reason... because you love Him, His Son and His Holy Spirit Then cry out to God to light your lamp. 

Lord light up our darkness today and everyday. Be our power and might to get through the battle and to be filled with your Spirit to overcome. 

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