Jesus said to watch and pray. There is coming a moment when the Bride of Christ will be removed from this earth, and then his plans for Israel and the Nations will continue to unfold. Don't despise prophecy, the warnings, the signs, the faithful message within God's Word that has been before you day in and day out for your entire life. Have you allowed the Holy Spirit to interpret scripture for you?, have you interpreted scripture in your own understanding?, have you diligently sought out the scriptures as a 'child of the day' would? If you are watching, you will be ready and not taken by surprise, and you know that the season is now. If you are not ready then sincerely pray to Jesus now and ask for His Spirit to control you, and turn from your way and accept His way. By the Holy Spirit, God can and will quicken your spirit and soul to be at peace with God, and you will be ready as a wise virgin. If you are not a believer in Christ as your personal Savior, and you want to be then admit your sin nature to him now. He knows everything you have ever done already, and you must realize that if you do not put your trust in the blood of Jesus to wash away your sins then you don't have anything that will acquit you from judgement. The wages of your sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ the Lord. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord of your life and that your salvation is found in none other but Jesus who died, and rose again on the third day. Repent and turn from your understanding and ways. Then believe in your heart mind and soul that Jesus is the one who you will follow for the rest of your life. Jesus' love is powerful and He is faithful to do what is good for you and your family and your friends. If you need some evidence that we are very close to the rapture of the church then watch these few videos below. There are many things happening now that are screaming get ready. But more importantly God has been speaking through the heavens, and the people who are watching, and His Word. Maturity in Christ expresses itself in wisdom and rejoicing in the truth and not disdain or rejection of the truth. What is known is that the rapture of the Church will be occurring. Some are watching very closely, some are not but either way, there is a great spread in expression about this event. Maybe you fit into one of these expressions: 1. The rapture is eminent, 2. Everything is lining up for a Fall 2020 rapture, 3. The rapture is going to occur on a Jewish Feast Day, 4. The rapture will occur sometime in my lifetime, 5. The rapture will occur sometime in the future, but not in my lifetime. No matter what camp of expression you are in it is wise to acknowledge each one, and to consider the evidences within those expressions. The more you watch and learn and pray you will realize that at no other time in history has there been so many things lining up pointing to a taking away of the Church.
- Rev 19:10 - A person's spirit and an angel can share in the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy. The Spirit of Prophecy declares the truth of God which reveals that those who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb are blessed and have made themselves ready as the Bride with fine bright and pure clothes of righteous deeds. They cry out praise to Jesus Christ, the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. They rejoice and exult and give Jesus glory because the Marriage Supper of the Lamb has come!!
- Rev 22:17 - The Holy Spirit and the Bride say "Come" and let the one who hears say "COME", and let the one who is thirsty come. Let the one who desires take the water of life without price!!
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