Sunday, October 04, 2015

Christianity Is Not a Religion

What is Christianity really? It's definitely not a religion as most everyone thinks, because it's about what God did for us, not what we can do for Him. It's not a denomination, because it's about conforming to God's Son, Jesus Christ, not becoming our own version of who we "think" He is. Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ based upon His leadership and character. It's based upon His Way which is all about the REALLY good stuff we need. Forget about everything you think you know about God, and start reading the Bible.....that's Christianity. A Christian follows Christ in a yielded, broken and contrite Spirit of gratitude and trust. Christianity is a conversion from all our ways to His ways. Why wouldn't a person be drawn and desire to lay everything down for the One who laid it all down for them, and secured an eternity of real joy, peace, love? Who is the one who freed us from the verdict of our sins? These words beckon the soul to learn and consider more about Jesus Christ, and not just as another man or as the world sees Him, but as your personal Lord and Savior. What Jesus has done for each of us is truly what's what Christianity is all about. Jesus is why people stop being religious, and start experiencing the peace that passes all understanding.

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