The only one with the moral authority to condemn somebody to death because of their sin is the one without sin. No one is without sin but One, and His name is Jesus Christ. In John 8:11 it says, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”
Jesus is making an extremely important point with his response that we should heed, because if we get it wrong there are serious consequences. It is obvious that Jesus is not saying it's okay to sin. When he said that he does not condemn her, it was because he was going to die in her place. The fact is that someone had to die for the sin, and it was either her or Him. Just hearing that should bring great conviction and thanks to us. Conviction because we are all sinners, and thanks because Jesus is actually willing to die for us in our place! He was going to take her condemnation and everyone else's upon himself, and because of that he commanded her to repent or stop committing adultery. He commands all of us to stop sinning. He is saying take my death seriously, because there's nothing else that can forgive your sins but my blood. If you do not repent then you will have to face the law and its justice on your own. If you repent and live a life of repentance and follow me I will be your Great High Priest or the one who washes away all your sins past, present and future. That is what Jesus is saying. Jesus knows we will struggle with sin even after we repent, but to be really born of his Spirit and Truth means that we will hate our sin, we will not justify what we do that is wrong, we will not celebrate it or be proud of it. We will work to stop it. We will take his word for what it says. "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ." Romans 6:23
If we are not covered by the forgiveness of Jesus Christ, it is because we have not repented of our sins nor have put our trust fully in Christ. It is because we are not ashamed of our sin. It is because we are proud and justify what we do that is wrong according to scripture. It is because we change the meaning of what the Bible says to fit our own ways and understanding.
What is our fate if we don't take the Bible at it's word as individuals and as a nation? It is very serious.
I am crying out for my nation, those I know, for my own family and my self. I am beseeching those who know God to cry out as well for His Mercy and Grace, and to pour out his Spirit of repentance and Godly sorrow over our hearts and minds.
I know my sins throughout my life, and I have not hidden my sins in my fight against it and pursuit of repentance before God. When I do sin I'm convicted, I weep, and I hate all of my sins because it is all against God who is perfect and righteous and who lovingly died to save me. Nothing of who I am the good bad and ugly is hidden before the living God. My wife knows me for all of who I am and many close friends and family as well. I do fear the living God and tremble at his Word. The Bible says to confess our sins one to another and pray for one another that we might be healed. I do not see one of my sins as better then another or worse because it is all the same before God. In the same way, my sins are not better nor worse then other people's. We ought not compare our sins as if someone is better off or worse off, because without Jesus the sentence is the same for us all. On the contrary, we ought to realize that Jesus provides the same freedom from sin for us all if we surrender to him and believe in Him. Jesus says the same thing to all of us as he said to the adulterous woman, because we are all on the same playing field. We're all guilty and our Accuser is right. We are not worthy to be saved, but Jesus says, I do not condemn you if you acknowledge you are a sinner who is dead without me, if you depend on me and trust me to put my spirit of repentance within you, to forgive you and save you from eternal death by placing your trust in my life, death and resurrection for you. Believe that I am God and that I am able to do this!
All sin is grievous and shameful. It is deadly and deceiving. It causes confusion and separates us from the light of life Jesus. We must separate ourselves from our sins and solely be identified to Christ. He is Life after Death! He has the power to regenerate us and make us new creations. He has the power to break the strongholds of sin on our lives. By Jesus Christ's authority Satan, his demons and lies must flee.
At all costs, we must not condone sin and make it ok as a people. We must not embrace it, identify with it nor legalize it in our hearts or we are most assuredly going to be separated from eternal life. Alternatively, we must renounce sin, all of it, and put our trust in Jesus to free us from it and give us his nature.
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