Friday, April 17, 2015


"We wrestle not against flesh and blood...." 

Taunts and manifestations of evil can be intimidating and may appear to have the upper hand because of the "might" that is behind them, but it is foolish to think that God has not or cannot deal with the evil in a Righteous and Just way. Most assuredly the might of evil is something to be concerned about because it literally manifests and impact people's lives in our world and in the spiritual realm. People can be harassed by demons and other evil spiritual powers and rulers. People can be threatened by world leaders and even killed because of evil. People are lusted after in the minds of other people without their knowing. Innocent children are murdered because somebody doesn't think it's a big deal. People steal and lie and the list goes on endlessly about what people do that are blatantly evil.  People may think that sexual activities kept for a man and woman within marriage alone is lame and boring, but at the same time they don't realize how much evil is outside of those protective boundaries for not only the couple but also for society. People think a little white lie is not that powerful, but they don't realize the deep division it creates between people. It is so important to realize and believe that the "might" of evil is the Law of Sin and Death which is described in 1 Corinthians 15:6 (For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power). This law of sin and death is both within people as their nature, and outside of them in principalities and rulers of the air (Eph 6). The reality is that Sin and Death impacts everyone the same. Sin has no prejudice, nor is it partial to a specific kind of person or race of people. EVERYONE past, present and future has a sinful nature, because Man fell into disobedience and rebellion from the beginning. In the grip of sin, the one who has killed one or millions is no different then the one who has not, but only lied once. They have the same eternal fate.  In the clutches of sin, the one who has lusted after another in the mind just once, and the one who lived a daily sexually explicit life will have the same fate. Sin is so potent that one incidence of it in the life of a person brings death to them. When God's law is broken just once then his whole law has been broken and we become guilty of breaking the whole of it. When sin takes its full effect it gives birth to death. This is a hard truth to accept, since we are all under the law of sin and death the one responsible for dropping a nuclear bomb on a city and kills hundreds of thousands will have the same fate as those "innocent" people they just murdered. Sin doesn't care how bad you have been treated or unjustly. It robs people of life.  To God all sin is known, and he understands its far reaching influence on our world. And he is a perfect Judge. God does not want anybody to perish due to the wage of their sin. But he knows that sin has everyone ensnared. He realizes that the most "innocent" of people are not free of sin, and that their souls and spirits will stand before Him after they die in their bodies. 

This perspective is important to understand: real death is not dying in the body! Real death follows bodily death and is called the second death, and it is the most fearful verdict of them all. After one dies in the body they will face a Just God who is all knowing and is not able to do wrong. If God does not see the perfect innocent blood of his Son Jesus Christ covering and washing your sin away by your faith in him He will not be able to transfer your sins onto Christ and pardon you. You have a big choice to make. You can stand before God with Jesus as your Savior, or you can stand before God without Jesus, alone. With Jesus you will be pardoned, without Jesus you will be judged by the law which you are guilty of breaking. The good news is that God has already defeated the real power of sin. "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9. You will be Born Again. You will be pardoned. The power of the Word of God is this: "because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death!!" That is Romans 8:2! Through one manifestation of love, sacrificing his only Son on the cross, God provided the only way for you to be PARDONED and FORGIVEN of the sting of your sin which is eternal death. Jesus is a solid rock to put our faith in and live for now, because he shattered the darkness for us. On this side of the judgment, whether life is terrorized by hell, shakes in the storm or cruises through the wind the fact that Jesus destroyed sin and death forever is a powerful reality. The Bible is a Good book. It tells us the truth and destroys lies that keep us from experiencing the best God has for us which is Jesus Christ His Loving Son. After we die in the body we will fully and automatically know the weight of Authority that has been given to Jesus Christ whether we know him as Lord or not. I pray you will humble yourself today and receive the awesome love Jesus has for you. 

The truth is out there to be sought after and found by you. Jesus said if you seek Him and seek Him with ALL your heart you will find him. He is the Word of God...the Bible. Read the Bible.

Please listen to this message entitled "Free" by Jim Cymbala. He faithfully shares what being free in Christ really means!

Also, here is a song that proclaims the power that is in the blood of Jesus Christ for you.

Finally, please read the message below in the photograph. It tells us about how far Jesus went to save us all and satisfy God's righteous requirements for us.

God bless you to childlike faith in Jesus Christ today!!

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