Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Reality of Christ is More Real and Powerful

Jesus Christ is more real than what we experience of him on a daily basis, or have experienced in the past 10-20-30...90 years of our lives. Or if you have never experienced him at all, he is calling you to know him. There is more of him to be known today. To those who have died in the body they now understand the magnitude of this. For those who were Born Again as scripture teaches and died in Christ, their eyes and ears are experiencing what "no eye nor ear has heard or seen" on this side of heaven. No doubt it is glorious!  I believe it is possible to experience more of Jesus on this side of heaven in ways that are so glorious it is hard to describe. And don't we want this? Our flesh does not, but the Holy Spirit does! The Word of God promises that He will reveal himself to those who seek him diligently, and surrender their whole lives to Jesus in trust of his life, death and resurrection for them. These are the ones who love Jesus. I know there are people in this world who have known Christ and experienced him in ways that others have not. By the Holy Spirit's power to reveal, people can know the God who created them in a personal loving relationship! There is one true God wanting to be known, who is wanting to pour out his loving kindness on us. The monotony, the danger, the pain, the uncertainty, the fear, the disappointment and death that this world gives fails and fades when faith in the absolute promise of Christ takes 1st place in the soul and mind of a person.  The hope in realizing this is that we would want to know more of Christ we are in life. In whatever sin is consuming, blinding, seizing and binding us now. In whatever chaos, fear, anxiety or loss that is confounding us now......MAY THE REALITY OF CHRIST shine forth and break the power of sin and death! The promise is that not, on this side of heaven, that these things are going to go away, BUT the Word of God says that we are to be sanctified or continually changing more and more into the image of Christ. We are to become more like him in the way he thinks and acts. We are to become acquainted with his sufferings. That means becoming Born Again. You are Born Again when you trust that Jesus suffered and died for you personally in order to remove sin and death from you. You are Born Again when you believe that Jesus alone is the only one who can save you from sin and death, because you trust he is God in a human body. And you are Born Again when you know confidently that Jesus rose from his grave, and that he will raise you to life with him after you die in the body. When we are Born Again we expect to experience loss, pain, and hardships and at the same time remain unbroken in faith, hope and love. Amidst the world's chaotic ways we can have peace that passes understanding. As we witness Satan's power to wield evil influence, IN CHRIST, we can resist and confidently and boldly respond in ways that take that evil and work it out for good. To know Christ Jesus today means a realization that the full weight of evil is being held back. Remove the Holy Spirit from this world? Remove the people who possess the Holy Spirit of God.........and what do you think will happen? Scripture teaches that this world is ruled by Satan. He governs the governments. He has demons who masquerade as gods of violence, lust and vanity, and there are people who follow them. Those who are Born Again stop being violent, they fight daily against the onslaught of lust and sexual immoralities (they repent of it all).  Don't you remember when Satan himself came to Jesus who was hungry, tired and seemingly at his "weakest", and told him that if he would just bow down to him, that he would give all the kingdoms of the world to Jesus. PRAISE JESUS that he renounced Satan's temptations with the living Words of God. Food and Power were not more important to Jesus then his Father's will. Jesus overcame temptation because he knew the reality of his Father. He knew the glory and weight of the promises found in obedience. He loved his Dad! The reality of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit can be known through obedience. And through more and more obedience increase in sanctification happens. We are at that point in the age of times where shaking is about to happen. Whatever and whoever is not found rooted in Jesus Christ will fall, will be deceived, will take the mark of the beast, will renounce Jesus in order to "live." May the true REALITY of a BORN AGAIN RELATIONSHIP with JESUS CHRIST fueled by the HOLY SPIRIT come upon you! In Jesus name I pray! Read the Bible tonight in the Book of John and 1st, 2nd and 3rd John my friend. Be thoroughly blessed!

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