Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Israel, Iran, the Islamic Threat and Religion

The current and coming issues falling on the world are rooted in spiritual warfare, and it is bigger than all of us and all the world leaders trying to explain and rationalize the problems. World leaders will continue to go in circles without adopting a biblical understanding of the issues. By the time you read this in 2010, things could be very different then they are today. Today, the news headlines are heavily focused on Iran and the issue of their acquiring nuclear capabilities, and it is a very serious issue because words have meaning. It is more than evident that the leadership of Iran is truly bent on destroying Israel due to hatred toward them and beliefs regarding the ushering in the 12th Imam. According to Shi'ite Muslim teaching, Abul-Qassem Mohammad, the 12th leader whom Shi'ites consider descended from the Prophet Mohammed, disappeared in 941 but will return at the end of time to lead an era of Islamic justice. This return of the 12 Imam in Ahmadinejad’s mind is to be initiated by creating chaos on earth by destroying Israel and the USA. Given Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s consistent and hateful quotes toward Israel in recent years in addition to their pursuit of nuclear weapons, is there any doubt that this threat will be ignored by Israel? We can see the real possibility of Israel being forced to strike Iran preemptively in order to destroy their nuclear facilities without international support. If Israel moves alone, this will increase international condemnation against Israel as well as the Bride of Christ. How or when Israel will deal with Iran is uncertain, but something will have to happen very soon. The motive before Israel will be to protect its own national security no matter how unpopular that might be.

On a world religion note, Islam, Judaism and Christianity are the only monotheistic (claiming ONE God for all) religions and thus are the three most influential religions in the world. However, all of these specifically worldly or apostate Christianity along with all other religion are one day going to mesh into the one world religion to be lead by the False Prophet for the purpose of worshipping the Anti-Christ to come (Revelation 13:11-18). The world is fast on its way to giving birth to these major characters of the end times.

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