Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Being Close to Death

This journey in faith we’re on is incredible. It’s about abiding in Christ right now and His true rest is available right now. I’ve noticed that when a person dies those near to that person are closer to understanding what it really means to rest then at any other time. It’s because the people stop doing things and are forced to recognize that the important thing about life is that it can end. Even if the people are doing a good work for the Lord the magnificent reality of a soul entering into eternity eclipses everything and we are forced to stop. Being close to death both physically and spiritually ushers in the invitation and opportunity to rest. Since my sister died I have been living in the moment more then I have before and it has brought me more rest. I am trying not to go anywhere accept one place. Jesus’ daily life is so attractive because he was full of real rest even while he was working the kingdom into our lives and being doubted or shunned. I see words like surrender and trust being synonymous with the word death in terms of letting go of self. This is so challenging but it is the only place I feel the Lord wants me to go and to be focused on. I am silenced by Jesus because there are more mornings that I choose not to lay down on my cross and live in His resurrection life. I forfeit His awesome rest because of it but He keeps telling me it is the only worthy battle to keep fighting. I pray that we will abide with Jesus and rest with Him in the now moments of our lives. When you’re with your family or alone, when you’re being shunned or praised. At all times even when you’re not sure where He’s taking you. The wonderful truth that empowers us to live in this seemingly impossible way is that Jesus is on his throne right now as we read and write. He is alive and well!! beckoning us to sit down with him in His throne room. He’s knows the storms are raging around us and within us. How awesome was it that Jesus was resting in a raging storm? Please help us Lord to have faith now and to sit quietly with you

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