Sunday, November 20, 2005

PSALM 27:8

  • Is the Bride of Christ / The Church asleep or awake?
  • How many Christians love the Lord but sense there is something missing in their lives?
  • Would the Bride of Christ / The Church say that their Pastor/Teacher is seeking the Jesus in the Bible?
  • Can faithful Pastor/Teachers say the people filling the meeting place are seeking the Jesus in the Bible?
  • Are Christians leaving church feeling that their soul is downcast with unmet spiritual longing?
  • Are Pastor/Teachers being pressured to put on a program for the "sensitive seeker"?
  • Is the Church wherever the Lord's presence is manifested?
  • Is God's house a house of prayer?
  • Have you made your house one of prayer?
  • Is your heart set to seek the Lord's beauty until you get to know him?
  • Can you say, "I'll fix my eyes on him until I see something that so attracts me I know it will satisfy me to the end?

David saw the barriers that were in the way of him and the people truly getting to know God. He knew going to the priests over the matter would not fix the problem, and he knew abandoning the house of the Lord would not correct it. So he went and made his own house one of prayer and sought for the uninterrupted communion with his God. Then God answered simply, "Seek My Face". Verse 8. Seeking God's face means seeking his reflection or his likeness. Learning of God by reading the bible, living out biblical principals, praying to him for understanding, waiting on him in faith, and accepting and loving the truth about Jesus Christ are required in seeking God's face. David responded to God, " When you said, 'Seek My Face,' my heart leaped in response. My heart said to you, 'Your face, Lord, I will seek.'"

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